Stage 18 is an interesting unplugged activity. Students learn about how the Internet works to deliver information. See the Lesson Plan.
New Vocabulary (taken from Code.org Lesson Plan):
- IP (Internet Protocol)—An agreed upon set of requirements for delivering packets across a network
- IP Address—A number assigned to any item that is connected to the Internet
- DNS (Domain Name Service)—The service that translates URLs to IP addresses
- URL (Universal Resource Locator)—An easy-to-remember address for calling a web page (like www.code.org)
- Internet—A group of computers and servers that are networked together
- Network—A group of things that are connected to each other
- Packets—Small chunks of information that have been carefully formed from larger chunks of information
- Routing —Finding the best path through a network
This is quite an interesting lesson. The Internet works as we type in a www web address. This is the URL. The URL is sent to a Domain Name Service that translates the URL into a bunch of numbers that we call an IP address. With the IP address, then it can locate the right server where we want things sent to. Then, we send whatever information we want across broken up in little packets. We can send through wifi, cables, or fibre optics. Then, the packets are assembled together again.
This lesson plan has the children acting out the different parts of the Internet, cutting up messages in little pieces (packets) and then reassembling them together again.
We all use the Internet daily but few of us know exactly how it works. I just learned today!